actor – voice artist – writer – director

REVIEW: Frinton Summer Theatre’s DEATHTRAP is a Real Thriller


REVIEW: Frinton Summer Theatre's Deathtrap is a real thriller. Photo: Christian Davies

By James Dwan, @JamesDwan, Chief Reporter

FRINTON Summer Theatre’s penultimate play of the season is the brilliantly presented comedy-thriller Deathtrap.

The mischievous play, by Ira Levin, is set in the Connecticut country residence of Sidney Bruhl, a Broadway playwright, and his wife Myra in the 1970s.

The Broadway hit, first performed in 1978, has clever plot twists with every character a potential suspect or victim.

The producers kindly ask the audience to keep the plot a secret so not to spoil the enjoyment of future audiences, suffice to say that the action unfolds in a stable stuffed with souvenir weapons and where Sidney broods over his lack of success in recent years.

For me, the star of the show was Matt Rippy, as Sidney, who delivered the wonderfully witty script perfectly, and was ably supported by Owen Findlay.

Credit also goes to director Eoin O’Callaghan and the designers for a slick production, which used sound and lighting to great effect.

About ME

I don’t like Piña Coladas or getting caught in the rain. I’m not much into health food but I am into champagne. And I love my dog Arlo – whom I believe to be The Buddha.
